
Humanitarian Works of Soni Samaj NZ

NZSS has a history of philanthropic work. It has donated nearly $20000 to flood victims in Fiji in the past and has also assisted victims of natural disasters in India.

A significant sum was also raised for the Red Cross towards the victims of the Canterbury earthquakes.

The Samaj endeavours to assist during unfortunate times of need in New Zealand and overseas. 

Our Soni Sahelis do their part by working with hospices and retirement villages and also looking after our own elderly members.

While NZSS is proud of its culture and history and works to enhance the Soni identity among its members, it also recognizes the importance of integrating and participating in the wider New Zealand society. 

Hence, in 2012, in association with Caltex NZ Ltd, the NZSS embarked on the Sumeet Tappoo Live in Concert project to raise funds for The Starship Foundation, an organisation that raises funds for the Auckland Starship Children’s Hospital. And at the same time provide top quality Bollywood entertainment for everyone. The concert was an evening of love, romance and music with Bollywood’s rising star – Sumeet Tappoo. This project was virtually an unprecedented event in New Zealand, when a community organization brought together a group of renowned professional artists from Mumbai, the capital of Bollywood, all in the name of charity. 

NZSS donated $37,000 to the Starship Foundation which enabled the foundation to purchase an advanced Mobile Dental X Ray Unit for Starship’s operating theatres. This project was led by the “Tight Five” comprising of Sanjai Bagia (President), Ritesh Raniga (Vice President), C.K Ranchhod (Treasurer), Dinesh Raniga and Jagdish Punja.

On 30 May 2015, at the Annual Mothers’ Day Function, the Samaj presented a cheque of $5001 to Red Cross NZ in aid of victims of the Nepal earthquake.


And most recently, the Samaj began an association with the Friends of Fiji Heart Foundation which carries out medical work for the needy in Fiji. In 2015, we contributed by sponsoring the vegetarian meal at their fund raising dinner on 8 August.

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